A. Alena Šrámková skica návrhu domu Tuzexu na karlově náměstí

10/18/2019 -1/12/ 2020

Alena Šrámková: Architecture

Alena Šrámková belongs to the most significant personages of contemporary Czech architecture. For the exhibition which reminds us of her life jubilee, she selected 17 artworks she deems vital in her production. The constructions, projects, contest proposals and studies are represented not by clearly arranged and comprehensive collections of plans but mainly sketches and drawings. All that she shows with her work of an architect when searching for the right expression, the overall concept of the future edifice. Drawings sketched with her firm hands, and, at the same time drawings filled with strange raw poetics. Pencil, pastel, felt-tip pen, like if the drawing should not be delicate and precise intentionally but rather insinuating, implying the future character.

The drawings complete the models, mainly working-presentation ones, that were made in the very studio of the architect. Photographs of real constructions are presented independently.

The exhibits come from the property of the EHL & KOUMAR ARCHITEKTI studio (formerly Šrámková architekti) and from the collection of the National Gallery in Prague.


The exhibition was organised by Museum Kampa in cooperation with the National Gallery Prague.


We appreciate the support of Pražská teplárenská, a.s. for this exhibition.