The Prague Spring represented an opportunity to breathe more freely after twenty years. It
was ahope for living alife with fewer restrictions, for righting wrongs and even for free travel.
These hopes were dashed by the night of 20–21 August 1968. The people of Czechoslovakia
ooded the streets protesting not only against violence, humiliation and injustice, but also
against the thwarting of their hopes.
The people of Czechoslovakia stood united against the illegal occupation in the days of
August. The army was ordered not to resist, but even so many soldiers, according to their
capabilities, resisted or prepared to resist. The main programme was to stand rm and
achieve the withdrawal of troops from the country. Neither of these objectives was achieved.
August 1968 was to be remembered as an injustice and adisgrace, amoment when we did
not defend ourselves (again). But it was also remembered as atime of civil deance, unity
and determination. The way politicians behaved in this situation should not be forgotten,
though. Although they had the support of the nation, whose motto was “we are with you”,
they clearly were not with the nation. The occupation in August 1968 and the months that
followed represent an important historical lesson: it is necessary to make responsible
decisions on important matters and to consistently hold the position. That is how you win,
even without weapons. And as far as the aggressor is concerned, the lesson is: the aggressor
never appreciates good will.
From August to the end of 1968, 137 deaths were recorded. The casualties on the summer
streets of cities of profound peace were the most visible evidence of the consequences of
the violent occupation. Thousands of people suered severe and minor injuries. And, as if the
casualties, injuries, and all sorts of other suering had not been enough, they must not have
been mentioned for twenty years. Many others then suered wounds to their souls, and later
– to their character.
Ayear after the military intervention, the Central Group of Soviet troops remained “temporarily”
stationed on the territory of Czechoslovakia. Promises of continued reform obscured the
essential: the return of arigid pro-Moscow Communist government.
During the events of August 1969, the tanks of the foreign invaders remained “vigilantly idle”.
They were replaced by the equipment of the Czechoslovak security forces, the army and the
Communist paramilitary – the People’s Militia. There were violent clashes as well as silent
commemorations in many cities of Czechoslovakia. In Prague and Brno, atotal of ve young
citizens were killed by rearms on 20 and 21 August 1969. Hundreds of demonstrators were
injured and thousands were arrested and imprisoned. The dirty work was left to the members
of Czechoslovak armed forces, who received praise and rewards for their eorts. None of
them were ever punished for their crimes.
The demonstrations against the emerging “normalisation” in August 1969 remain deeply
overshadowed by the events of August 1968. In the summer of 1968, aforeign power sought
to impose its will on aunited country and to suppress eorts for longed-for change. Resistance
then meant patriotism. Ayear later, in the interests of foreign power, the country’s own state and
political power sought to restore the Communists’ rm grip on power and to push the blatant
lie of occupation as truth. Society was slowly dividing into the pragmatists and the broken on
the one side, and the opponents of the emerging totalitarianism on the other. The protesters of
August 1969 were the real defenders of freedom and truth. For this, they were defamed, vilied
and punished. The tragedy was that these ghters acted spontaneously, without leadership and
without aprogramme. That is why this massive protest eventually died out.
August 1969 is one of the symbols of “normalisation”. It paved way to personnel purges,
censorship, border closures, restrictions on freedoms and arenewed centralisation of power.
The events surrounding the rst anniversary of August 1968 can literally be described as
“days of shame”. Not only for the very fact of the occupation but also for the betrayal of
many political leaders on their own citizens. Such moments are part of our history. We must
remember them and learn from them.